Resources to Make Your Cancer Journey Easier

Below you will find a few cancer resource websites to help you through your cancer journey. – My Life Line offers free, private, patient websites for people affected by cancer. You can find cancer specific resources, post requests for help or donations and update everyone at once, so you can reduce anxiety and save the energy you need to heal. – Coping® has been a source of knowledge, hope, and inspiration to people worldwide. When you need positive and helpful information that relates to a specific medical condition, Coping can help. – The Cancer Journey is the first Cancer Coach Training Company in the United States. The Cancer Journey provides both personal cancer coaching services, to the growing population of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, and cancer coach training for those who want to serve the cancer community. – Cancer and Careers empowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in their workplace by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events. – Living Beyond Breast Cancer was founded in response to a woman’s need for breast-cancer-related information, connection and support after completing treatment. LBBC is focused exclusively on the post-treatment experience.